Have you ever had a thought just pop into your head? No idea where it came from and then there are more. Then there are so many you feel like your head is going to pop. That's how I feel right now. I thought I would share some of my sporadic thoughts.
How do post office machines know the name and address of someone when I can hardly read their writing?
Why are people nicer this time of year even though they didn't seem AS nice? It's like there is a switch that goes on around Halloween and those Christmas decorations start going up in the stores. What is up with THAT?
Next year I'm putting my Christmas decorations up in October when the weather isn't as cold and the ground is softer. Just won't flip the switch until Thanksgiving. Where are the days when you put your Christmas tree up on Christmas Eve? (I have never done that but just wondered.)
How do those chickadees stay warm in the winter. They are such little birds.
How does the big fish in a fish tank know not to eat the little fish in the tank with them?
When do children stop needing their mother's? Never I hope. I am 52 and I miss my mom alot and she died when I was 8 and have no memories of her. How do you explain that? When I see my own daughter pulling away all these years I panic. I believe a child always needs their mother in one way or another. She doesn't know how lucky she is. I know she is spreading her wings. Some children spread their wings so far they forget who loves them unconditionally.
What's up with not loving unconditionally. I had a boyfriend once (boyfriend #2) who told me there was no such thing as unconditional. Well, if someone is putting conditions on my love-family or friend then they have another thing coming (don't know what that might be but it sounded assertive) LOL. I love unconditionally and I love hard. Too hard at times. Never said I was perfect. Too bad some people feel they have to be. Now why is THAT?
On a grosser subject...how does a septic tank work. Oh I know I've been told. What about those drain fields? I see that commercial where they are tearing up a guys "drain field" and it doesn't look like anything than a torn up yard to me. Go figure. LOL
Just those thoughts going through my head! I'm not getting the dishes done LOL. They've been waiting a couple days.