Monday, June 21, 2010


Back to writing that book.   Hmmm  where was I?  In the middle of  some stuff.  Oh, funny story......It was in the 1990's and it was snowing.  A big snow storm.  Husband #2 was at nursing school and I was home with my children.  I love big snow storms. There is something about them.  I wasn't feeling the excitement  as I peered out the window and saw the snow piling up on the 350 foot driveway.  
Hubby #2 wouldn't be able to get the truck in the driveway.  
I was going to have to do something rarely done before...I had to plow..and this plowtruck was old, with no brakes and stick on the dash.  Oh this was going to be interesting.
I bundled myself up as I told the kids to keep watching their movie and don't answer the phone.  The standard things.  There was no heat in this truck either so I dug for my mittens in the box by the front door.  Yes, I found two.  They didn't match but they would do the job.  
I trudged over to wear the ol plow truck was nicely packed in.  It looked like it didn't want to be moved.  Well it did!  I took the broom and shoved off about a foot of snow from the hood and windshield and opened the door.  Promptly 2 mice jumped out of the truck.  I wasn't very fond of mice and snow plowing.  
Geez, could this get worse?  I later learned never to say that because then you are guaranteed it will. OK,
I'm in the truck and it started!  I didn't flood it this time!  Yeehaw here I go.  I made the first pass down the driveway fairly smoothly. 
Feeling over confident I just knew I could pull out into the road and turn the truck around, with no breaks, and make that second pass down the driveway.  First mistake.  Then yes, that is what I tried to do.  I was having the hardest time and decided to back into the drive way.  I thought there might be enough room to turn the truck around.  There seemed to be enough room between those two trees to try it.  Guess what?
There wasn't and somehow I ended up wedged between two trees unable to budge an inch.  At least I had enough room for hubby #2 to get in off the road. 
He got home shortly after and saw me sitting in the truck wedged between two trees.  I thought he was going to be mad.  He got out of the car, in his snow gear, shaked his head as he opened the truck door which had stuck shut which was why I was still in it!
I didn't have to say a thing, it was too obvious.  I walked back to the house and he unstuck the truck in just a few minutes.  Man, did I feel stupid.  I laugh about it now, every time I tell that story but I doubt I found it funny back then.  
Really, just  short funny diddy.  I had a reputation of getting a nail and hammer and just start hanging things on the walls.  Would drive hubby #2 nuts.  If he would see me with a hammer and nails he would ask me what I was doing and gently take them from my hands.  He would then hang what I wanted and put away the hammer.  Even now when my kids see me with a hammer and nails they ask me suspiciously what I was up to. 
I don't know if I shared that story with Joe (hubby#4 and current and last one)  or not but he now asks me what I am doing if he sees the hammer and nails in my hand.  I confess, usually the nail was bigger than I needed but I didn't want to look for the right one.