Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Book continued-

This book is copyrighted by Emily Chimner aka jaime long. No use of this material without permission of the author.

I stood in the vestibule of the ice arena and didn't see anyone who might be waiting for a date. I thought, oh no, I should have looked at the picture! I look out the doorway and coming up the steps is this sophisticated looking man who walked with confidence. I bet it is him. He walks in the door, came up to me and introduced himself. Oh my God, this is the one I am supposed to be with. Now, corny as that sounds it's true. Then the only thing that I could think of that came out of my mouth was "I hope you have money because I can't pay". Oh my God! Did that really come out of my mouth!
We sat down on some bleachers and watched the enactment of Cinderella. Now that was appropriate, here I was sitting next to a man that was causing my gut feelings to go through the roof in approval. I got a very nice man on an online dating site, go figure. This was on online date that turned out good. (Boyfriend number 1 and 2, well, we'll get to them. They were on line dates but really relationships or you know, I'm not sure what to call the second one.)
I didn't think this would work. I thought I'll go to this, enjoy myself for a change and then go home. Wow. I'm so glad it didn't go that way! We ended up picking up part of his family and going to the casino (which was cool since I had only been once) and played the slots and listened to his family member sing. I had a good time. We or at least I seemed to loosen up as he seemed pretty laid back on the way to the casino.
Once we got back to our original destination I realized how late and how dark it was. I wasn't that familiar with driving in the dark to and from Cheboygan.
I spent the night and he respected me in the morning. (I so broke the 3 date rule but it was worth it.)
I just wonder how unhappy my life would be if I hadn't taken that chance and put myself out there or remained in emotional seclusion.
Then back to husband #2. He encouraged me to take a few dates. That puzzled me. What husband would let his wife go out on dates and possibly know she was having "sex"? When you totally withdrawal from your wife and you tell her to date, personally it made me feel like a slut, a failure and a nobody. Some people have agenda's and don't care who they hurt I suppose. He's never been honest with me. He has hurt me deliberately and have no recollection. Then reject me in the worst way a man could...I know, I know, I have responsibility in this whole mess somewhere. I became ill from exposure (documented medically) to a deadly chemical. My life and the lives of those around me were severely altered if not destroyed. I carried around bitterness over being disabled and losing everything. After 5 years I think I have let it go. I can't change what happened. I didn't want it to happen. There are far worse off people in my old hometown of Lewiston, Michigan.
That could be a whole other book, and oh, it is. Called Big Oil in Small Town America by Jaime Long through Xlibris and LuLu. How clever of me to sneak that in.
While I'm blubbering over about husband #4 and final husband, I have to say I never knew love before or was ever happy before now. It is a wonderful feeling. People notice that too. My whole demeanor is changing. I am happy and I have my joe to thank for that. (I know it comes from within) We get along so well and have many things in common but know when to give the other their space. No one is going to take our "happy" away. Not a person, my darn health or his job could take away our "happy". If two people love each other anything is possible. One may get more insecure than the other but it balances out in the end. I am 51 years old and for the first time I am happy and in love. I have found the man I want to grow old with. I have finally made a good choice. He just has to live with the influence of husband number 1,2,3 and boyfriend 1 and 2. It's not all bad either. It looks like I am promiscuous but the opposite. Remember that last sentence as I go back though history....

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